“Just thinking about Kimmy brings a breath of fresh air! Kimmy's energy and generosity are illuminating, as she beams light, wisdom, kindness, and advocacy inside and outside of her workshops! With Kimmy's diverse background, she shares her ancient wisdom to offer healing, positive self-development, and community support. She holds a safe space and knows how to elevate others as they channel their own strengths and deepen their mindfulness practices. I couldn't recommend Kimmy enough - take this workshop or anything else she offers and you will feel lighter, freer, and filled with resources and manifested possibilities! “
— Rachel, Mindfulness Circle Participant
“The Mindfulness Circle opened me up to so many new ideas and practices. Up until this point, my daily practice consisted of mindfulness meditation alone. Thanks to this circle, I am now exploring chakra alignment/cleansing, affirmations, creative journaling, and so much more. Kimmy is such an energetic, thoughtful and knowledgeable teacher. I looked forward to this circle every week. She provided an excellent recap email each week with additional resources to build upon what we learned, always with an emphasis on "if this speaks to you". After this circle, my mindfulness tool belt feels more robust, giving me a greater sense of confidence that I can handle whatever life throws at me. “
—Kelly, Mindfulness Circle Participant
“Kimmy is a breath of fresh air. As someone who has struggled to build the mind-body bridge so encouraged for the practice of yoga, it is her soothing guidance that has propelled me to discover my love for it. Kimmy's energy as a teacher is what strikes me every time we engage. It's a positively sincere passion to help you dig deep to cultivate an intention and let it seep into your movements. She is dynamic. She is attention-capturing. She is authentic. Overall, Kimberly guides me to a place of healing and ultimately of self-love. She supports me in meeting myself wherever I might be in a given moment and harnessing the power of my own movements, my breath, and my mind to be just that much better. Her words and that mind-body calmness stay with me, even as I step out of our sacred space. And for that, I am eternally grateful.”
-Ashton, Yoga Student
“Kimmy’s yoga classes provided us with tools and tips that were super accessible and easy to connect with! It was so wonderful to be able to connect our Teens with someone so focused on wellness and mindfulness. During COVID-19, I was so happy to be able to offer these videos as a way for our Teen community to relax and find some inner calm. The videos she made for us were a hit and allowed us to offer a unique and helpful program!”
— Jason, Teen Program Director
“Kimmy was an incredible mindfulness guide! She sparked a whole new passion for mindful living and showed how important self-awareness practices are daily. These practices are just as important as other aspects of health and Kimmy makes it practical to incorporate setting mindful goals to create a new mindset. My business opportunities took off during the 5-week journey with her simply due to her nudge towards meaningful awareness of the mind and heart. We removed blocks I had been working through for 15 years in a matter of two sessions. She shows you the power of vulnerability in a group setting that creates empowerment and transformation you can take and use in your everyday life. I am so grateful for Kimmy's offerings through Learn Grow Rise and I can't wait to do more mindfulness programs ongoing as a lifelong practice. “
— Avonne, 30 Days of Presence Participant
“My weekly class with the Mindfulness Circle is the most grounding and enlightening part of my week. All week I look forward to connecting with like-minded people, diving into new thought-provoking material, and being guided by the most thoughtful, grounded, caring leader - Kimmy!”
— Andrea, Mindfulness Circle Participant